Frequently Asked Questions

This page provides answers to frequently asked questions.
Submit questions to us via email:

Q: Do you provide alcoholic drinks during Date Night?
A: We do not provide drinks for the Date Night, it is a busy 1.5 hours so while some people do bring drinks (you are welcome to BYOB) it is recommended to bring a small amount due to the active nature of the activity.

Q: What is your refund policy?
A:  Class deposits are non-refundable. If a student cancels up to 7 days before the class begins, AA Clay Studio offers a full refund less the deposit fee. No refunds are issued to cancellations within 7-days of the first day of the scheduled class or event. 3-days for Lesson By Appointment. We are unable to provide a refund if a customer cancels the day of an event. Sorry, we need at least 7-days notice to a cancellation so we have time to fill empty spots. Cancellation Policy

Q: What should we wear to the Date Night event?
A: Throwing on the wheel can be messy. We recommend wearing clothes you don’t mind getting clay on or bring an apron/smock with you. Alternatively, you could bring a spare change of clothes to change into after class if necessary.
*Clay will not stain your clothes, it will wash out of clothing.

Q: When do you post new courses and classes in your Online Registration?
A: Every few months. We work diligently to make our classes available to everyone in our community. If a class or event is sold out we suggest that you consider a Lesson By Appointment. Please check-in often with our Online Registration to discover new class postings.

Q: How do I re-schedule a Date Night that I have already registered for?
A: Due to the popularity of our Date Night events we are unable to re-schedule for you. If you need to cancel up to one week ahead of your registration date we will refund your payment. Refunds will not be provided if cancelled within one week of your event date.

Q: Do you have a waiting list for the 6-week wheel throwing or hand-building classes that are sold out?
A: Yes, we can add you to a wait-list for any class. Please contact us via email to request. We also suggest that you check often for open spots in our Online Registration.
For any class: once a wait-list is contacted, we will also open the registration online for a first-come-first-serve access.

Q: How do I schedule a Group Event?
A: Fill out a Group Scheduling Inquiry and we can provide some possible dates for your visit. We typically schedule groups on Saturdays 12:00 - 1:30 pm. If you have another day in mind let us know and we can see if it is available! You must have 6 or more participants to qualify for discounted group rates.

Q: Do you offer walk-in services for new customers?
A: No, you must schedule a Lesson By Appointment or sign-up for a class in our Online Registration to gain access to the studio. Please feel free to visit the studio during open hours if you are interested in membership or classes.

Q: What is Open Studio?
A: Open Studio is a regular time when the studio is open for use by members, students, private lessons, and group events. The public can become a member after attending a class or several lessons depending on experience.

Q: Will you contact me when my pottery is ready to pick-up?
A: Sometimes. We contact customers for most services as a courtesy. However, you are responsible for picking up your artwork within 3-months of your visit or it may be removed from the studio and discarded.

Q: If a student knows in advance they will have to miss one of the classes can they make it up?
A: Yes, a student can “make up” a class by coming to the studio during open hours to practice outside of the normal class meeting time.

Q: How does membership work?
A: We have three different options for membership: Open Studio, 24/7, and Resident. Members must have some experience working in a ceramics studio and be age 18 or older to become a member. If you don't have any experience we suggest you take a class or lessons at the studio. Members provide a credit-card on file to be charged a monthly fee. Members are responsible for material and kiln-firing fees in addition to membership fee. Open Studio provides access to the studio during regular hours. 24/7 and Resident membership provides full access. Please contact us for more information.

Q: Do you offer kiln-firing services to the public?
A: Yes, we can fire items so long as you are using clay from our studio, or you can provide a box/literature that confirms the type of clay or glazes you have used. We kiln fire up to ∆6 electric oxidation. Prices are based on the size of your artwork and the type of firing. *Based upon availability - we will turn away requests when we are at capacity.

Q: Do you offer youth/kids classes?
A: Not currently, we suggest a Lesson By Appointment for anyone looking to take a class but is under the age of 16.

© 2024 AA Clay - Ceramics Studio