Studio Membership

Unleash Your Inner Potter:
Open Studio Access

Ready to dive deeper into the world of clay? Our community clay studio offers membership to experienced ceramicists aged 18 and older. Whether you're a seasoned crafts-person or a practicing student, our studio provides the perfect space to refine your skills, practice new techniques, and connect with fellow clay enthusiasts.

• Great for independent study.
• Supportive community of artists and students.
• Friendly staff available to guide you through the studio.
• Limited storage space is provided.
• Members receive discounts on studio fees.
• Continue learning by signing-up for lessons.
• Work-trade opportunities are available.
• Monthly membership discounts are provided to recurring members!

Join our vibrant ceramics community!

3 Levels Of Membership

Level 1 - Apprentice
Open Studio Limited Access
Membership provides access during scheduled hours and a small storage space.

Level 2 - Journeyer
24/7 More Access, Limited Storage
Membership provides key-code access and a small storage space.

Level 3 - Master
Resident Full Access, More Storage
Membership provides key-code access and a large storage space.

Don't have experience working in a community clay studio? No worries! We offer multiple pathways to membership. Sign up for several 1-hour Lessons-By-Appointment or a 6-week Course and begin your ceramic journey under the guidance of our expert instructors. Once you're comfortable and confident, we'll guide you through the membership process.

Interested in Studio Membership? Email us to express your interest, fill out an application form, and bring it with you to a short interview at the studio once we set up an appointment. Remember, memberships are non-prorated, so plan accordingly. Space is limited. We'll place you on a wait-list if a spot is not available when you contact us.

Interested in Access By-The Hour? You must have taken a course or series of lessons with us or have strong experience working in a community clay studio. Please call or email us and let us know you would like to stop by for open studio time. All visitors must follow guidelines in the studio use agreement.

Experience required. Adults age 18 and older.
Clay and kiln firing fees are separate from membership or admission. There is an expectation that pottery/artworks created in the studio space will be kiln-fired using the studio kilns for an additional fee.

Member Application 2024.pdf Member Application 2024.pdf
Size : 63.706 Kb
Type : pdf
Studio Agreement 2024.pdf Studio Agreement 2024.pdf
Size : 116.523 Kb
Type : pdf

© 2024 AA Clay - Ceramics Studio