Youth - Teen Clay Camps
Ready? Set! Throw!
Let's explore what clay can do!

Join us as we explore a variety of hand building techniques and the potter's wheel to create bowls, cups, sculpture forms and more! Our instructors will demonstrate how to throw and mold amazing creations in the studio.
Participants will learn all about clay and more!
• Learn new skills
• Connect with others
• Re-fine motor skills
• Explore imagination
• Build confidence

Teen Classes

Youth Camps are 1 week (M,W,F) 10 AM - 3 PM.
Teen Classes are 5 weeks (Every Tues.) 4:30 - 6 PM.
Price is per person, materials + kiln firing costs are included!

Every camper must fill out a Clay Camp Registration From.

Payment is Non-Refundable.
Items must be picked up about 3 weeks after last class.

Hand Building: Campers will work with their instructor to create imaginative projects utilizing color, texture, and design. Teens will work on projects designed to be fun and informative.

Throwing: Each day will have a designated time for your child to practice on the potter's wheel. Teens will choose pottery wheel or hand building as their focus for the 5-week course. Wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty!

Glazing: Projects will be glazed using underglaze colors and clear glaze. Some pottery w ill be dip-glazed only. Occasionally we will paint a project with craft paint. Items will be functional if your child made them with that intent in mind.

Youth Clay Camps

Your kids will have a blast this summer participating in Clay Camp at AA Clay Studio! We have over 10 sessions available to fit just about any schedule. Your child will learn the basics of hand building (techniques like pinch, coil, and slab) and wheel throwing (using the potter's wheel). Each student will have several finished glazed pieces to bring home at the end of every session.

One week camps are 3 days long, 5 hours each day.
We will have a lunch break scheduled each day.
Please plan to pack a sack lunch.

$215 week

One Week Youth Camp
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Ages 6 - 12 yrs

Spring Camp Dates
Week 1: 3/30 - 4/3
Week 2: 4/6 - 4/10

Summer Camp Dates
Week 1: 6/1 - 6/5
Week 2: 6/8 - 6/12
Week 3: 6/22 - 6/26
Week 4: 6/29 - 7/3
Week 5: 7/6 - 7/10
Week 6: 7/13 - 7/17
Week 7: 7/27 - 7/31
Week 8: 8/3 - 8/7
Week 9: 8/10 - 8/14

A Campers Typical Day

10:00am-12:00pm Hand Building: Project

12:00pm-1:00pm: Lunch break

1:00pm- 2:30: Wheel Time: Bowl/Cup

2:30pm-3:00pm: Clean up/Reflection

Daily Projects Include

Open Mouth Creature
Sounding Bells
Mask Building
Forest Inhabitants
Pottery Bowl/Mug
Water World
Zoo Extravaganza

Teen Clay Classes

Teens will have a blast this summer participating in classes at AA Clay Studio! We have two sessions available to to choose from. Each student will have several finished glazed pieces to bring home at the end of every session.

$175 course

Every student must fill out a Clay Camp Registration From.

Five Week Teen Classes
4:30 - 6:00 PM
Ages 12 - 17 yrs

Summer Class Dates
Class 1: 6/2 - 6/30
Class 2: Begins 7/21 - 8/18

We invite teens ages 12-17 to come explore the endless possibilities of clay!
• We will explore hand building / sculptural forms as well as the fundamentals of wheel throwing.
• We provide an authentic and creative ceramic studio workspace with learning tools and equipment for students interested in experimenting with pottery.
• Students will learn the fundamentals of clay, then will be encouraged to explore new techniques and methods to their hand building and wheel throwing projects.
• Everyone is invited to work at their own pace and each student is guided with support from our instructor!

© 2021 AA Clay - Ceramics Studio